macOS Catalina Procedures

Laptop Procedures / Doc. version 1.2


This document handles most procedure dealing with macOS Catalina machine.
Changes to this documents will occur as procedures get changed or updated.

Known Issues

  1. Default macOS security mode does not allow booting from USB drives.
  2. No hard drive swaps. - If data is not backed up, it is lost.
  3. Students and teachers should pay attention to access permissions dialogs and grant appropriately.
  4. App Store will not launch for Students
  5. AirPrint (not Secure Airprint) should be chosen when setting up new printers
  6. Time Machine does not work for students. (No ETA on fix)

Teacher Machines #back to top

Check the Google Sheet to make sure the serial number of the machine has a name attached. Add it, if necessary.
If replacing a machine, remove the old name and serial number from the document

Faculty Naming Document

Pre - macOS Big Sur

  1. Attach the machine to ethernet and power on the machine, immediately holding down the Option+Command+R keys.
  2. When the macOS Utilities screen appears, select Reinstall macOS and go through the normal steps to install macOS.
  3. Once the machine is at the Setup Assistant, go through the standard Apple setup screens.
    (Make sure the time zone/location services are on.)
  4. When the Apple setup completes, the login screen will change to one with a HIES logo.
  5. When that occurs, login with the AD account of the end user.
  6. The software install process will occur and the machine will automatically restart when complete.
  7. After the restart, the login screen will return to normal.
  8. Login as the end user and setup wi-fi, configure outlook, transfer data, etc.

After macOS Big Sur has been released

  1. Attach the machine to ethernet and power on the machine.
  2. Boot the machine into recovery mode (Command-R at start up). On a machine with and EFI password set, hold the option key , type the firmware password, and the after the hard drive/netboot logos appear, hold down Command-R to boot into recovery mode.
  3. Connect the provided USB thumbdrive and launch Terminal from the Utilities menu.
  4. Run the command /Volumes/catalina/run to start the Catalina install.
  5. Select the volume on which to install macOS Catalina and confirm erasure of the target volume.
    (Upon restart proceed as the same as a new machine out of the box.)
  6. Go through the normal Setup Assistant process.
  7. Make sure that the Remote Management step appears, if it doesn't, do not proceed, isolate the machine and notify Anthony.
  8. Enable Location Services.
  9. Create a user named apple with a password of apple.
  10. When the Setup Assistant completes, the machine will login as the user apple.
  11. After the Finder, desktop, and dock load, within 10 seconds, the software will install from the FDS.
  12. The machine will automatically restart when the software and settings installs are complete.

New Student Machine#back to top

Follow these steps to setup a new student machine fresh out of the box.

If an update to macOS Catalina has recently occurred (10.15.x) ...

  1. Attach the machine to ethernet and power on the machine, immediately holding down the Option+Command+R keys.
  2. When the macOS Utilities screen appears, select Reinstall macOS and go through the normal steps to install macOS.
  3. Once the machine is at the Setup Assistant, continue with the steps below.

If an update to macOS Catalina has NOT occurred...

  1. Attach the machine to ethernet and power on the machine.
  2. Go through the normal Setup Assistant process.
  3. Make sure that the Remote Management step appears, if it doesn't, do not proceed, isolate the machine and notify Anthony.
  4. Enable Location Services.
  5. Create a user named apple with a password of apple.
  6. When the Setup Assistant completes, the machine will login as the user apple.
  7. After the Finder, desktop, and dock load, within 10 seconds, the software will install from the FDS.
  8. The machine will automatically restart when the software and settings installs are complete.

Initial Student Login #back to top

Creating the Student's Local Account

The login window should have a HIES logo.

If you, as an administrator need to login to the machine at this point, you can use your technolgy credentials.

  1. A student logging into the machine for the first time will need to click the Cancel button. A Microsoft Sign in page will appear.
  2. The student should sign in entering their bearsmail email address and clicking Next and then entering their bearsmail password and clicking Sign in.
  3. Re-enter the bearsmail password when asked on the next screen and click Continue.
  4. The student's account will then be created on the machine. This may take a few minutes.
  5. The machine is ready for use.


  1. The dock may disappear and reappear twice. This is expected behavior as the dock configures itsself for use.
  2. Once the local account is setup, when the user logs out or restarts, the machine's login screen will revert to the standard macOS Login Window.
  3. Loaner machine will always have the login screen with the HIES logo, since they will need to have multiple users locally.
  4. If a student machine needs to have another local user installed (for testing purposes, etc), there is a Static Group in JAMF that the machine can be placed into and a policy will run to bring back the alternative login screen.

Student Password Changes #back to top

Known Student Password

If a student knows their password and wants to change it, they can do the following...

  1. Click on the JAMF Verify logo in the menu bar and select Change Password...
  2. Enter the email address and password on the Microsoft Sign In Screen and click Sign In.
  3. Click No if asked to Stay signed in.
  4. Enter the old password, and then a new password into the corresponding fields and click Submit.
  5. Hit Done when the Profile screen appears.
  6. A dialog will appear asking you to Sign in again to complete your password change.
  7. Enter your email address and new password.
  8. On the next screen, enter your OLD password in the Local Password field and click Sync.
  9. The password change is complete.

When the student changes their own password, the new password must have the following...

  1. Eight or more characters
  2. An uppercase letter
  3. A lowercase letter
  4. A number and/or a symbol
  5. No dot (.) immediately preceding the @ symbol
  6. Can NOT have a word that's in the dictionary.
  7. Can NOT be a part of the person's name.
  8. Can NOT be a previously used password.

Forgotten Student Password

If a student has forgotten their password and or can't login to the machine, do the following...

  1. Change the student’s Office 365 password first.
    (Do not set to change upon next login.)
  2. Open the Reset Local Password policy in Jamf.
  3. In the Options tab, for Local Accounts, remove the name there and enter the user’s shortname.
    (The password field should be left alone.)
  4. Scope it to the student’s machine and REMOVE ALL OTHER MACHINE’S in the scope.
  5. Save the policy.
  6. Upon the next check in, login, or network change, the password will be reset to Bears1234.
  7. Have the student login with the password Bears1234.
  8. Click on the JAMF Verify logo in the menu bar and select Sign In...
  9. Enter the email address and newly reset Office 365 password and click Sign In.
  10. On the next screen, enter Bears1234 in the Local Password field and click Sync.
  11. The password reset is complete.

OneDrive will need to have the new password entered to sync properly.

Replacing a Student Machine#back to top

If replacing a student machine for loss or theft or moving the student to a new machine,
make sure the Google Doc is updated to match the name and serial number.

Student Naming Document

Re-image Student Machine #back to top

Follow these steps to re-image a student machine...

  1. Delete record/remove machine from Jamf
  2. Boot the machine into recovery mode (Command-R at start up).
    On a machine with and EFI password set, hold the option key , type the firmware password, and the after the hard drive/netboot logos appear, hold down Command-R to boot into recovery mode.
  3. Open Startup Security Utility.
  4. Select an account, enter the password for that account, and disable the EFI password.
  5. Close the Startup Security Utility and Open Disk Utility
  6. Select Macintosh HD (not Macintosh HD - Data)
  7. Click Erase
  8. Click on Erase Volume Group
  9. Quit Disk Utility and open Terminal from the Utilites menu.
  10. Connect the provided USB thumbdrive.
  11. Run the command /Volumes/catalina/run
  12. Select the volume on which to install macOS Catalina (usually 1) and confirm erasure of the target volume.
  13. Upon restart, proceed the same as the New Student Machine procedure.

Teamviewer with Students #back to top

First Time Setup (Student Machines)

These instructions are to be followed the first time TeamViewerQS is launched.

  1. Open the TeamViewerQS app.
  2. Click Request Access
  3. On the next dialog, click Open System Preferences
  4. In the Security & Privacy System Preference pane under Screen Recording, Check the box for TeamViewer Quick Support.
  5. Click the Quit Now button to quit the TeamViewerQS app and apply the changes.
  6. Close the System Preferences and relaunch TeamViewerQS

To Start a Remote Session (IT machine)

  1. Launch TeamViewer on your machine and have the student launch TeamViewerQS (if it is not already open).
  2. Get the “Your ID” and TeamViewer "Password" from the student.
  3. Under the Control Remote Computer, enter the "Your ID" in the Partner ID field.
  4. Select Remote Control and click Connect.
  5. In the subsequent TeamViewer Authentication window, enter the "Password" from the student an click Log On.
  6. The remote session should be active.

To close the session, either click the large "X" to the right of the student's name in the upper left of the TeamViewer window or simply quit TeamViewer.

When setting up TeamViewer on your machine for the first time, Skip the Unattened Access section.

Version History (Changelog) #back to top

This is a list of updates made to this document.


                                        Version 1.2 - July 6th, 2020
                                        - added TeamViewer with Students section
                                        Version 1.1 - July 5th, 2020

                                        - added Re-Image Student section
                                        - added Teacher Machine section

                                        Version 1.0 - June 23rd, 2020
                                        - Initial Document Creation


Copyright #back to top

Copyright @2020 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School. All rights reserved.